Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Top 5 David Fincher Movies

Number 5 - "Fight Club" (1999)

"Fight Club" has grown on me in recent years, starting out as a film that put me to sleep into one that I admire from both a narrative and visual perspective. But the best thing about this is that both of these are all its own. I can't think of another film that moves and looks like "Fight Club," and even though others may try, none can quite replicate its confused punk rock aesthetic.

Number 4 - "The Social Network" (2010)

Another film that has an unbelievable narrative. This film came out when I was studying film in college, and I glanced over it, thinking that it was just another bland-looking biography of a man whose story isn't finished yet. But like "Fight Club," that time has allowed me to truly appreciate the turmoil and struggle for power that these characters embody. It certainly helps that the screenplay was written by Aaron Sorkin, whose dialogue is just as crisp and still hits as hard as freight train as ever, but the directing and cinematography are all Fincher, and that elevates this film to even greater heights.

Number 3 - "Zodiac" (2007)

Like the previous two entires, "Zodiac" didn't leave a big impression on me after my initial viewing. It isn't until I thought about some of the quieter moments and what every character was thinking about that I realized "Zodiac" was one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. It is unnerving in its mystery, heartbreaking in its struggle for the truth, and stunning in its unpredictability, leading to some of the most horrific scenes about a serial killer. The film puts you in the middle of this crazy time where facts, suspicions and myths are wound up over years of development, only made even scarier that all of this actually happened.

Link to original "Zodiac" review:

Number 2 - "Gone Girl" (2014)

Typically, when I think of David Fincher, "Gone Girl" is the first film that come to mind. A mindbender of a thriller that has you not just second guessing the characters, but also yourself. Fincher's use of unreliable narrators is put to full use in "Gone Girl" and it has never been better, each scene building off of the last like a roller coaster that can't slow down as we watch a marriage get murdered. This is one of the most exciting, intense and thought-provoking thrillers since Hitchcock and one of Fincher's best.

Link to original "Gone Girl" review:


Number 1 - "Seven" (1995)

As much as I wanted to give this spot to "Gone Girl," I just can't think of another film where Fincher outdid his first original production, one of the best police thrillers of all time. Strangely enough, out of all his film, "Seven" is both his darkest and brightest movie, giving us a serial killer that simply holds up a mirror to the audience, while offering a fascinating struggle between that darkness and the our own morality. Even though many of Fincher's films have stunning acting, Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey are at their best here, making this whole disturbing thiller worthwhile.

Link to original "Seven" review:

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